En devenir ! (en)

Welcome on my new website

I wish you a nice visit on my website which I hope will allow you to know me better and discover my world.
I started to paint in 2006, 29 years after leaving Les Beaux-Arts. This first period of work, called ‘Paysages Improbables’ (‘Improbable Landscapes’), draw a quite dark past.
If I’ve managed to paint some ‘improbable landscapes’, today I aim more towards ‘probable’. I am very sensitive to impressionism, so my quest for ‘Lights’, colours, movements feed my expression.

Now, I live near Grenoble where I entirely consecrate myself to painting and I often exhibit in this region and in the south of France. Many projects are in the course of development in France and abroad.

In the biography you can read more in details about my artistic path.

You will also find, along the website, pictures, updated informations and the planning of upcoming exhibitions.

The colours’ look of the canvases on the pictures doesn’t totally suit me, despite an important technical work. I’m still trying to improve this bit.

Enjoy your time here and I hope to see you very soon, at one my exhibition !